A Sign Of Affection Episode 6 - I Thought I Wanted To Keep Watching Her Forever - Review | Otaku Fanatic
Mar 22 , 2024
What Happened In The Last Episode?

In the last episode of A Sign of Affection, After the shopping spree, Itsuomi leaped at the chance of being alone with Yuki and invited her to his apartment; the two had heartfelt conversations about their lives, families, and interests; they shared sweet moments on the other hand Kyouya and Rin, who were stuck in traffic on their way home, get to know about each other and shared a late dinner together.
What Is A Sign Of Affection Episode 6 About?

A Sign of Affection episode 6 continues from where the last episode left off; Yuki teaches the gesture of "everything" to Itsuomi, relating to when he asked, "Its ok if it's me, how much does that cover ?" however, Itsuomi is on his phone and misses the gesture when Yuki signs and confessed her love for him. Later that day, Yuki meets Itsuomi at the restaurant bar, and they announce to Rei and Kyouya that they have started dating.
Even Yuki Realized It!

Do you know how it feels when the anime finally does the things that you have been thinking the whole time, something similar to that happened in A Sign of Affection episode 6
Yuki finally admits that Itsuomi has zero concept of her personal space; we all know she enjoys it as much as we do, but it sure feels good to know the characters feel the same way as the audience.
In Itsuomi's defense, he already confessed that he is drawn towards Yuki like a moth to a flame, and if he is going to raise the standards that high, no one is complaining.
The Guy Approved By Yuki's Mom

In the early episode, we just thought Oushi was an overprotective person with whom Yuki doesn't interact as much. Now that we know more about Oushi and his character, we are more drawn towards him.
With each passing episode of A Sign of Affection, Oushi feels like a great candidate for Yuki, just when we thought learning sign language for Yuki, looking out for her, and always keeping her safe wasn't enough. Oushi is well-liked by Yuki's mom as well.
Being the second lead in a romance anime is a tragedy and a curse, and Oushi is the bearer of this incurable curse.
The Ship Has Sailed.

A Sign of Affection breaks all stereotypes romance animes have built up in the past decade. As anime fans, we are used to couples getting together at the third-last episode or the last episode. We are used to the chase couples offer in usual romance animes, just like in Horimiya; this is not the case here either.
Our most loved couple has started dating in the most precious way. Itsuomi said he wants to travel the world, but all those places won't have Yuki, so he wants Yuki to be his.
If that is not the cutest confession after Izumi's and Hori's confession in Horimioya, then I know what to tell you.
I can smell this confession scene making its way to reels and small videos all around social media, and this scene alone is enough to convince people to binge the anime there and there.
The Funniest Moment

I loved how casually Itsuomi announced that Yuki and he had started dating, and Rin's and Kyouya's faces told us they were blushing harder than Yuki.
Their reaction was a mix of happiness and surprise, but I loved Rin's reaction most. This scene tells us that Rin is a girl's girl. She was happy that her friend landed the hot man she was crushing on and gave her a big hug. A sign of Affection isn't just raising our relationship standards but also our friendship standards.
Was This Anime Worth The Watch?

The smallest hand gestures, the cute transition from anime style to chibi style, and the precise pupil moments, especially when Yuki's eyes fill up with tears after hearing Itsuomi confess. I want to hug the animation staff and kiss their animating hands.
I give A Sign of Affection Episode 6 a 10/10 rating. There wasn't a single thing in this episode that was lacking.
This is all for this week's episode; see you here next week, Otaku Fanatic!